Drown Your Tears, Heal Your Wounds (8:30)
Day in, day out, week in, week out — we see that not much is changing for the better. Politics are going from bad to worse. COVID-19 cases are going from bad to worse. For many, economic and personal situations are either staying the same or getting worse. The reality is we experience is that not much changes, and what changes does not change quickly. We hate to be skeptical about it, but can God
really make a difference? Can God really wash away our sins and make us new again? We look at the world around us, and we notice – in just a few months, the empty trees will be budding and blooming again. In just a little while, the leaves of fall and winter will be replaced with the flowers of spring. Even the weeds will spring back and bloom! Lord, you are always making things new, and whether it takes
an instant or a lifetime, the beauty that You promise is worth waiting for! Help us, Lord, to put our faith in You, and put that faith into practice, so that we and those around us can find Your strength to move forward with Your hope. We pray in the name of the Lord who has walked the road before us, Jesus our Lord. Amen.