Preparing as Jesus Prepared - Modern Worship Service

Mar 9, 2025    Rev. Brian Sixbey

Our temptations, O Lord, are the very tests that came to you— to be relevant; to be powerful; to be spectacular. We may not be asked to turn stones into bread or to be in control of vast kingdoms or to throw ourselves down from a tall spire, and yet, your temptations are the very ones that we face. Where we have listened to other voices, forgive us. Where we have sought the applause of others, forgive us. Where we have worshiped other gods, forgive us. Give us purity of heart and clarity of vision. Help us hear your voice to seek your kingdom and its righteousness, to worship you alone. In the name of the One who was tested in every respect as we are, and yet knew no sin, even Jesus Christ our Savior. Amen.


*I do not own rights to any music. CCLI No. 692352, CSPL No. 114593*