What Church Means to Me

Oct 24, 2020    Rev. Brian Sixbey    John 13:31-14:6

Lord, we confess our confusion: With the pandemic, fires, hurricanes, personal, political, and corporate challenges of this year, our hearts feel like ping pong balls clattering uncontrollably on broken pavement. We have minds of cold, wet, and hungry squirrels looking for the food we forgot we already had. And yet — we’re here, together, gathered as the Body of Christ to feast on the Word and gain whatever truth will help us be fruitful for the upcoming week. Thank you, Lord! You know what we need, and you provide. Help us be the church for each other, for our community, and for our families and friends, so we can not only weather the storms in front of us, but bring a breath of grace to the people around us, in Jesus’ name. Amen.