
Photo by Susan Holt Simpson on Unsplash
Keep implies possession. I want to keep that item in my toolbox. We find a method that works well so we decide to keep using it.  We may say, “I should’ve kept quiet and not said that.” I have a doctor’s appointment I must keep. I wish I could keep my car nicer. Keep can also be a noun as in, “I put my pretzels in the keep.” In older times the keep was a strong tower of a castle, keeping the occupants safe from the enemy.  What can keep you safe from the evil one?

The scripture for the day is from 1 John 3:1-3. The text is verse 3. “And everyone who thus hopes in Him purifies himself as He is pure” (RSV).  John is explaining the all-encompassing love that our Heavenly Father has given us.  He created us; He loves us.  As a father loves his children, so God loves us.  We are speaking of God’s perfect love.  There are those who do not completely understand our acts of mercy because they have no relationship with God through Christ Jesus. We find God’s love in our ability to love Him and follow His leadership through the Holy Spirit.  We have Hope in the hereafter.  We do not know what that will look like or how we shall appear but our faith in His love sees us through to the end.  He will keep you into eternity and beyond!

Written by Pastor Tommy Markham

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