Report On 242nd Virginia Annual Conference

The 242nd Virginia Annual Conference was held in Hampton, Virginia 20-22 June 2024. The theme was “A Conference in Three Movements”.

This theme emerges from the belief that there are three principal movements of the Holy Spirit taking place in the present era of the church:
1. The theological movement from prevenient grace to sanctification. This is the movement of the Holy Spirit in the human heart.
2. The historical movement of Methodism captured in our past, lived in our present, and pointed toward our future. This is the movement of the Holy Spirit in the church.
3. The missional movement from gathered spaces into all the world. This is the movement of the Holy Spirit in community.

Throughout the first two days of the conference we had three guest speakers who spoke to these three movements. These speakers delivered awesome messages that were well received by all.

During the conference Lunch Labs were offered. Lunch Labs were learning opportunities that sought to equip and resource members and guests as they seek to connect with each other, their church, their community, and the world.

The evenings were left open for informal gatherings in order to connect with friends, both new and old alike, and to discover Christ in each other as we gathered around Hampton.

Bishop Sue Haupert-Johnson's opening sermon on Thursday morning stressed that our church was moving into a new era, one in which we must put the past behind us, celebrate our diversity and love each other as God first loved us.

The afternoon session began with remarks by our conference Lay Leader Martha Stokes. The remainder of the first day was taken up by reports of the various committees.

Friday’s session began with committee reports as planned. In the afternoon a Memorial Service was conducted to celebrate and remember those that are no longer with us. The afternoon concluded with more committee reports.

The Saturday session continued with reports. Our own Jessie Fisher was nominated and confirmed to serve as a lay member on the Youth Council. The session then moved to the Fixing of the Appointments and concluded with the Service of Recognition and Call.

At the conclusion of the Service of Recognition and Call, the Bishop invited those who felt the call of/from the Lord to some type of ministry to come forward. My heart was overjoyed when I saw our own Larissa Luma step out in faith and answer the call to ministry that she has been feeling. I ask that we support Larissa in any way we can, surround her with love, and encourage her as she sets her sights on a new path of service to the Lord.

Following that the 242nd Virginia Annual Conference was adjourned.

The 243rd Virginia Annual Conference will gather in Roanoke 12-14 June 2025.
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