Financial Fundamentals July 2024

This report briefly addresses finances at FUMC Fox Hill. The latest information is in the weekly bulletin available at church or through our web site.

May was a month of financial progress. We were able to make a couple more months of payments on our Apportionments so that we are paid up through March and now only two months behind. We truly appreciate those of you who are helping us through your regular contributions. With your help, we hope to catch up with our obligations and work toward our efforts to set aside funds for future major maintenance. Your contributions to the General Fund pay day-to-day obligations and allow us to make possible the many programs and activities of First Fox Hill.

What are Apportionments? The UMC is a connectional church with local churches working together to support the efforts of each other through a structure of Districts, Annual Conferences, and the General Church. One of the areas Apportionments cover is the Black College Fund. The 11 U.S. historically Black colleges and universities supported by The United Methodist Church have played a unique role in U.S. higher education. Their graduates—teachers and doctors, ministers and bishops, judges, artists and entrepreneurs—are leaders in the African-American community and in a rapidly changing, more diverse United States.

Early in July we will be providing quarterly donation statements. They are not bills, but help us make sure that our records are correct. Be certain to look yours over and let us know if you have any questions or do not receive a statement you are expecting.

As we move into mid-summer, and many of us are taking vacations, be sure to remember your church. Expenses don’t go away when we do. And summer brings on high electric bills for cooling as well as expenses for Vacation Bible School. Contributing regularly, especially weekly or even monthly, can make your gifts easier on your cash flow. Regular giving through our on-line options can be for any amount and be scheduled automatically for weekly, twice a month, or monthly, as well as one-time gifts. On the web, go to, click on “Give”, and scroll down to the “Give Online” box. If you are reading this online, click here for easy access. Or use your camera to scan the QR code which you will regularly see in our publications and live stream. Thanks to everyone for supporting First Fox Hill.

Please direct concerns/questions about FUMC FH finances to our financial staff via the office or Bill Bryan, Finance Chair, at (757) 851-0748 or by e-mail to

Total One Fund Through May 2024
Income For Planned Expenses1$ 219,877
Total One Fund Expenses (excludes pass through2)Planned$ 263,050
Actual$ 198,625
Pass Through Income2$ 3,507
Pass Through Expense2$ 3,270
“Pay-It-Forward” Contributions$ 1,688
LUMENs Fund Raiser Income$ 1,010
LUMENs Fund Raiser Expense$ 0.00
1Includes regular and memorial contributions, building use income, interest, etc.
2Represents contributions for non-budget items, e.g., flowers, special mission programs, etc.

1 Comment

Ruth - August 27th, 2024 at 9:18am

I am on my way 😊.




