Of Heat and Hope

While I have been writing about “Come Alive in 2025,” other things have happened. As friends of mine who were in the Navy used to call it, we have been OBE. That is, our plans are Overcome By Events. It’s not that we can’t come alive in 2025 – it’s just that mental and financial energy that could’ve served to propel our spiritual growth are also being used to deal with the reality that more than half our building is without heat for several more weeks, and it will cost a bundle to change that reality.

However, there is good news in the challenge. In fact, four things jump out to me as being good. First, financial stewardship is, in fact, part of spiritual growth and life. As much as I would prefer our finances to support mission projects or ministry projects, life is life, and we have to roll with it, which is part of spiritual growth as well. Second, the reality is, the more people we have in our building, the warmer we all become! So, even if you cannot donate much to a new boiler, you can invite friends and family, and in so doing, make our place of worship warmer – literally! Third, boilers, like roofs and chillers, are items that simply wear out over time, and there’s a good chance we may not need any more major capital improvements or outlays for a little while after this one is resolved. Finally, one of the fundamental spiritual truths we all have to grasp is that we are not in charge – God is. There is no better time to learn that truth than the present time.

So, I will still say 2025 is the year to come alive! As we huddle together for warmth, as we put our minds, our hearts, and our funds together to replace the boiler, and as we invite friends and family to join us and increase our warmth, God will indeed bring unexpected blessings our way. In the meantime, may we continue to be humble, open, warm, and expectant for the things the Lord is doing in our midst.

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